A sexual predator named Glenn Greenwald, Part 2
Translated from Um Sexual Predador Chamado Glenn Greenwald Ato II
This is a translation of an article that was published on a Brazilian website in 2019. Unlike much of the content of MasterNotions, we have not seen solid evidence for this, which claims to be primarily sourced by interview conducted by a Brazilian journalist. However a remarkable number of background details have turned out be verifiable despite being not publicly known, as explained here.
If you didn’t read the first part, we suggest you read it to find out about the case in general, and how Glenn Greenwald still responds in the US for Hairy Jocks activities, and for practicing Law even with his expired license, better known as BAR EXAM; equivalent to the OAB exam in Brazil.
After speaking with his Dominican friend, who was dating a member of the infamous Dominicans Don’t Play (DDP), RZ, he feared that the promise of just ‘a scare’ to Glenn Greenwald and his partner Buchtel (aka Jake Jax, later Jake Jaxson) descended into brute violence.
‘I just wanted them to leave me alone. I signed the damn document and by law, I would have to record the films and pose for countless photo sessions, between appointments with their websites.
I would do that and I wanted it to end as soon as possible.
‘But I was besieged daily by Greenwald and Buchtel. I never liked sadomasochism and it was all too bizarre, too sickly for me. For me, love and sex do not combine with pain and violence. It doesn’t go with blasphemies and being dressed as a Nazi soldier.’
RZ, was especially annoyed by the vast amount of material linking Nazi images with sex.
How Glenn Greenwald and Jason Buchtel cheated their ‘slaves’ in the absence of better terms
To try to seduce me, Jason showed content from the Showboy footage, had Whoopi Goldberg. He came up with that talk that if I knew how many Hollywood stars before major studios had acted in pornographic productions, I would lose my fear.
Showboy is actually a terrible LGBT comedy, it was Jason Buchtel’s first attempt to be taken seriously as a director.
‘I was severely humiliated by the duo because in their minds, every Latin gay is extremely depraved. It is a concept that also applies to actresses and call girls in Eastern Europe. Well, it wasn’t my case and it never was in my life, RZ says.
‘People have images of the depraved gay, without hygiene, without morals and without care for venereal diseases. Since I found myself a homosexual, my relationships have been no different from a straight one.
Today I live in a stable union with my partner and I haven’t even gone back to frequent environments like cruising bars. I am sick at a New Jersey hospital, my partner is a personal trainer on a baseball team.’
‘We cherish our image and do not avoid kisses and caresses in public for fear of society, but because we understand that not everyone feels comfortable with homoaffective relationships yet.
But I never suffered violence for being gay, except for my father and brother, but that is in the past. I am at peace with myself, I am a Christian and I regularly attend the church where I am accepted and respected by the priest, even the other faithful who know my sexual orientation.’
‘All of that was scary for me. I told Peter Haas that I was afraid of Glenn, who I still didn’t even know his real name: he was treated as Dom, HJ or DomMascHry31. Whenever I spoke to him I called him HJ and I’m not afraid to admit that I was terrified of him.
Even when he practiced sex being dominated and passive, he terrified his partners, like me!
He looked like a kind person, but suddenly he was incarnating a demon or whatever and he took on a macabre character who liked to be feared by others. Even on occasions when he practiced sex being dominated and passive, he terrified his partners, like me!
The DDP Dominicans Don’t Play Alternative
But the last straw that made RZ seek help in his community, even at the risk of messing with the DDP, came when he was informed by Greenwald that for a few weeks he would have a new role. What we know today as video sex, cam sex, cam girls or things like that, in 2003 was explored by the Greenwald / Buchtel duo and so many others taking advantage of the expansion of erotic chat rooms.
‘A scenario was set up and I was supposed to wait for the client to connect who would give me orders on what to do. Sometimes it was simple things like asking me to show my body, private parts, dirty talks and so on. But when sick minds appeared, selected in AOL chats and redirected to our sites, things got weird and sometimes I couldn’t act.’
There were goals to be accomplished. Greenwald and Buchtel’s Hairy Jocks won with disk-sex and the minuture of the live camera. When a client asked for things involving BDSM, Domination and Submission in general I was already terrified. Two of the guys who stayed with me the most in video chats loved it and explored my terror.
I spent months terrified for having contracted some venereal disease because more than once, I woke up in pain after being doped.
It got worse when in a court coup, Glenn and Jason stole everything from Peter Haas. In a pathetic audience, reported and followed by the Daily News, where ‘per se’, Greenwald called Haas a little bitch “and” a good little whore (we won’t even translate, please), Greenwald again threatened Haas to expose his famous Wall Street customers.
Worse, RZ had someone in Peter Haas who defended him and tried to protect others from the Greenwald / Buchtel dementia.
After winning (Haas stepped back and made a deal) the case with Haas protecting his clients and being clearly stolen by Glenn Greenwald; RZ finally took courage and allowed her friend to request help from the Dominican gang to frame Greenwald.
On the night of June 6, 2004, an actor hired by Glenn approached RZ and tried to seal the peace. As RZ returned home, he received several messages via a NEXTEL device that everyone was required to use to avoid screening by the court, saying he was free of obligations to the studio.
Gleen Greenwald never registered a complaint about the framework made by the DDP. Why not, Glenn?
No one knows how the gang acted and framed Glenn Greenwald. There was no physical violence, Greenwald made no complaints and finally left RZ alone for several months. Glenn, afraid, tried to feel the heat of the plate inviting RZ, for a trip to Rio de Janeiro during the Carnival of 2005.
The objective was to find Latin actors for Stud Mall. Without fluency in the Portuguese language, and without Brazilians willing to accompany him to Rio, Glenn offered RZ a lot of money in advance, money that was promptly refused.
For RZ, the case was closed, he was free of Greenwald and Butchel.
Only not. The Other McCain blog went deeper into the investigation of Glenn Greenwald and RZ was a key to unmasking Pierre Omidyar’s strongman. The hunt then began to show the sinister face of the lawyer for bandits, terrorists and highly dangerous criminals like Matthew Hale, the leading neo-Nazi leader of the World Church of the Creator, who was arrested and sentenced to 40 years in prison after ordering the death of a judge: Joan Lefkow.
Glenn Greenwald was Matthew’s lawyer and it was later learned that their relationship was old. RZ, had seen Hale on several occasions at the production company.