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Kerry's Intern Explosion

Guest Merlin

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Guest ncm2169

RE: Kerry's Intern Explosion..huh?


< Wes Clark is a Republican? >


Nope, just a newbie who got snookered. :o A good reason why he shouldn't be President. }(

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>Case closed? I think so. }(


>Now, the next Repub's dirty trick will be.....? :*


I think this is the funniest post I have ever read on Hooboy's Message Center.


The "case" which you tried to "close" was the one you made without any evidence whatsoever - namely, that it was the Republicans who started and circulated this rumor about the Kerry affair.


In response, Merlin and I both pointed out that there is absoultely no evidence whatsoever that this rumor came from the GOP, but instead, there were reports that it first came from someone associated with the Clark campaign.


So then, in reply, you dramatically announce that you found "evidence" to support your view - which was that the rumor was spread by the GOP, not by Clark. The "evidence" you post is an article, the entire point of which is that it was Clark, not the GOP, who first circulated the rumor of the Kerry affair.


In other words, the evidence you provided which you said "closed the case" actually proved the opposite of your case, since Clark is a DEMOCRAT, and it is HE, not the GOP, who is responsible for this rumor. That's why Duke asked, in response what you posted: "Clark is a Republican?" You blamed the GOP, but your own article blamed Clark.


In other words, you (and many others) ran around accusing the GOP of being responsible for the circulation of these rumors, when in fact: (a) you had absoultely no evidence for this accusation and (b) the accusation turned out to be totally false, since it was Clark and his campiagn who disseminated it to the press, not the GOP.


Don't you think you owe the GOP an apology for wrongfully blaming it for creating and disseminating this Kerry rumor, when it was actually Clark who did so?

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Guest ncm2169

Doug, perhaps you can't read or you need to clean your glasses. The column from Tom Oliphant that I posted above clearly said:


< Clark's rumor-mongering with his press corps about Kerry was the visible tip of an iceberg of rumor-mongering that had gone on for weeks, stirred not only by some of his fund-raisers but also among the press by aides and consultants that "something" was coming. This is how spin doctors feed gossip mills without actually providing gossip. >


The point is, Oliphant is saying that Clark was only repeating the gossip, not starting it. }(


I stand by my assertion that the Repubs planted this story. Besides, why the fuck are you so testy? You don't think Repubs float sleaze trial ballons? If you don't, you're very naive, my friend. :o Everybody does it. Get used to it. :+

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>Two words: Karl Rove


Right-wing paranoid lunatics (see, e.g. Rush Limbaugh) think that every news event and political occurrence is the by-product of the secret manipulations of omniscient, omnipotent, amoral schemers named Bill and Hillary Clinton.


Left-wing paranoid lunatics (see, e.g. BewareofNick) think that every news event and political occurrence is the by-product of the secret manipulations of an omniscient, ominpotent amoal schemer named Karl Rove.


There is absoultely no difference - none - betewen the Rush Limbaughs and the BewareOfNicks of the world. They are the opposite sides of the same coin. And it's why so many Americans are do disgusted with both parties that they can't even bring themselves to vote.


Thanks, BoN, for illustrating yet another core truth of our political system. They should really put your posts in a museum.

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Guest ncm2169

I pretty much agree, sans the BON reference. :o


That said, the Dems seem to get the message that this campaign is going to be a MAJOR pissing contest, and they seem to understand this time that when they're in a pissing contest with a skunk (W + Rove), it's better to spray first and often. }(

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Campaign Journal


by Ryan Lizza


HE DID SPELL JOHN KERRY CORRECTLY: Just in case anybody was still wondering whether anything in the original Drudge item about John Kerry was accurate, I can confirm that Wesley Clark did not say what Drudge says he said at that off-the-record conversation with reporters in Nashville one week ago.


I was there when Clark spoke, and just to make sure I didn't miss anything, I've also checked with other reporters who were there. Since it was off the record (sort of), I can't get into what Clark actually said (let's just say it was not his finest moment on the campaign trail), but I can report that the quote Drudge attributes to him--"Kerry will implode over an intern issue"--is not accurate. He never said that.



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it does not require paranoia to see the footprint of Karl Rove all over this story. It is after all what he is paid to do. He successfully planted the Valerie Plame bomb and now tried to do the same to Kerry. The only thing worse than left or right wing reactionaries are those posters who try to pretend they are above the fray, but are simply partisan shills for the Repiglicans (ie Doug69)

“On the fields of Trenzalore, at the fall of the Eleventh, when no living creature may speak falsely or fail to give answer, a question will be asked. A question that must never, ever be answered: Doctor.....WHO?????"

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