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Kerry's Intern Explosion

Guest Merlin

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http://www.DrudgeReport.com reports that Kerry's campaign is struggling to keep the lid on a developing story of Kerry's affair with an intern. Clark has publicly stated that Kerry will implode over an intern. It is also the reason Dean decided not to bow out. I predict Hillary will announce that she has decided to accede to her fans request that she run.
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I know Drudge is right every once in a while but this? Blech! There is no way Kerry was fooling around with an intern unless she is also an heiress. If the girl in question doesn't have a trust fund I refuse to believe it's true.



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Guest bedstuy

Mmmmmmmm yeah! Let's play ball!


Ed "Shrill" Gillespie is screaming foul-play over his un-earthing of the vast left-wing conspiracy of Moby... yes, that's right! MOBY! Is this man Gillespie that clueless? It seems so. Looks like perhaps he should look for another job!


Republicans Accuse Kerry of Planning Dirty Campaign


The head of President Bush's Republican Party accused Democrat John Kerry's campaign on Thursday of planning the "dirtiest campaign in modern presidential politics" in a scorched-earth bid to oust Bush in November.


Republican National Committee Chairman Ed Gillespie took the offensive against the Democrats after days in which Bush has been on the defensive over Democratic charges that he shirked his Air National Guard duties in the Vietnam war.


"It's only February and they have made clear they intend to run the dirtiest campaign in modern presidential politics," Gillespie said, according to speech excerpts released by the RNC.


The Kerry campaign quickly fired back, calling Gillespie's comments "nothing more than a smear from the right-wing attack machine" and likened it to what Democrats consider underhand tactics used against Republican Sen. John McCain of Arizona in 2000 and Democrat Sen. Max Cleland of Georgia in 2002.


"It's what they did to John McCain in South Carolina and Max Cleland in Georgia. But it's not going to work this time," said a Kerry campaign spokesman, Chad Clanton.


With Kerry looking increasingly likely to emerge as the winner of Democratic Party contests to pick an opponent for Bush in the November election, Republicans are stepping up their attacks on him.


Gillespie seized on comments by a Kerry celebrity supporter, the rock performer Moby, that were published last week in the New York Daily News.




In the article, Moby was quoted as suggesting ways to try to create doubt about Bush among his conservative supporters on the Internet.


"For example, you can go on all the pro-life chat rooms and say you're an outraged right-wing voter and that you know that George Bush drove an ex-girlfriend to an abortion clinic and paid for her to get an abortion," Moby said.


Gillespie said: "We now know that some time this fall Kerry campaign operatives intend to go into pro-life chat rooms on the Internet to spread a scurrilous story that President Bush drove a former girlfriend to an abortion clinic, and paid for her abortion, according to the New York Daily News."


Kerry campaign officials said Moby had no connection to the Kerry campaign, does not speak for the campaign and that it was ridiculous to call him an "operative" for the campaign.


Gillespie has been leading the attacks against Kerry and other Democratic candidates as the White House tries to remain above the fray until a Democratic nominee is selected.


But the scrap over Bush's Air National Guard service has caused the White House to come out swinging against what spokesman Scott McClellan has called "gutter politics."


Questions about Bush's military service coincide with his portrayal of himself as a "war president" for leading efforts against international terrorism and his invasion of Iraq.


Gillespie also took a poke at Kerry's wife, Teresa Heinz Kerry.


"We now know that Teresa Heinz Kerry gave over $50,000 to the League of Conservation Voters just before they endorsed her husband's candidacy and ran ads on his behalf, according to the New York Post," he said.


Kerry campaign officials said this was wrong, that the Heinz Family Foundation often gives to environmental causes, that it has contributed to the group but has not contributed anything in the last three years.



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Guest ncm2169

It's been about 8 hours since Drudge dropped this turd into the political punch bowl. He's been scrambling all day to hype it, but apparently no mainstream news outlet is running with it. In the meantime, there's no change from the Clark camp about his planned endorsement of Kerry. Very interesting. Could Drudge have overplayed his hand yet again? }(


P.S. If there's any truth to it, I promise to eat my words. :o

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Guest ncm2169

Update: Dean says it's not so:


< Mr Drudge claimed a close friend of the mystery woman approached a reporter late last year claiming "fantastic stories". He also suggested that panic in the Kerry camp was prompting the former campaign front-runner, Howard Dean, the former Vermont governor, to step-up his attacks on his opponent in the last few days of the primaries.


Mr Drudge said this could explain why Mr Dean decided to reverse his decision to drop out of the race if he failed to win the Wisconsin primary vote on 17 February.


That suggestion was dismissed by the Dean camp last night.


"That’s absolutely false, it’s not true at all. That actually makes me laugh" said one of Mr Dean’s closest aides. "This didn’t have anything to do with our decision."


Mr Dean had previously said that he would pull out of the race if he did not win in Wisconsin. "I actually think it’s too bad this is starting," the Dean confidante said. "It has no relevance to the campaign." >

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The Hillary Factor


Give it a rest, people. Unlike John Edwards, who is largely being given a pass on the issue of what a one-term senator who has not even completed his term is doing running for President, Mrs. Clinton knows full well what kind of reaction she will receive. If any prominant democrat were to step in due to a significant mistep by Kerry and an inability by Dr. Dean or Mr. Edwards to replace him, that democrat would likely be Al Gore.

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Why is it that Democrats are ALWAYS being tripped up by sex? What is it about illicit affairs that they don't understand?

There can't be a day that goes by wherein some democratic politician somewhere is on the phone saying, "Honey, you're a sweet girl (or boy), BUT... blah blah blah. Why can't they just get over their "compassionate" selves and play it the way the Republicans do?

A good Republican would offer either an interesting sum of hush money to end an affair, or be savvy enough to dig up enough dirt on the girl's (or boy's) family to make sure they had the ammo to keep her (or his) mouth shut.

Democrats just don't get politics.


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Because Republicans can only get a hardon over money and fucking over the entire American population???? :)


Isn't this smear campaign against Kerry for sexual inuendos similar to the attacks on Clinton pre-election and thruout his tenure?


Have you ever noticed that the only tactics engaged by the REPUBIChairLICANS has to do with sexual inuendos as a red herring tactic to divert attention from the real issues?


I'm not a big Kerry fan, but I would vote for Satan if it meant getting Bush out of office! :(

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There is no evidence that the Republicans had anything to do with the Kerry/Intern story. Clark disclosed it to the reporters first. Drudge has more stories critical of Bush that he does of the Dems.

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>There is no evidence that the Republicans had anything to do

>with the Kerry/Intern story. Clark disclosed it to the

>reporters first. Drudge has more stories critical of Bush that

>he does of the Dems.


You're exactly right, Merlin. In fact, Drudge was not the first site to report this rumor. That was done more than a week ago by a blogger who is affiliated with the Clark campaign.


This makes sense, since Clark campaign aide Chris Lehane - a former Clintonite known for his vicious, rumor-mongering, character-smearing tactics - was formerly with the Kerry campaign (before being fired), and undoubtedly knew about this there and released it in order to hurt Kerry.


But don't let these facts get in the way - let's just blame it on the Republicans.

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Guest ncm2169

< Chris Lehane.....undoubtedly knew about this there and released it in order to hurt Kerry. But don't let these facts get in the way >


Sorry, Doug, but when does "undoubtedly knew" equal "these facts?" :o


Your surmise does not make a fact. Wouldn't you agree? }(

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Guest ncm2169

Merlin, if you don't think Matt Drudge is a close compatriot of and mouthpiece for the Republicans, you're really missing a big part of the picture. Also, if this desperate sophomoric attempt to distract attention from W's guard problems is sooooo innocent, and soooooo credible, why the fuck did Wes Clark endorse Kerry today? :+ Case closed.

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Guest ncm2169

RE: pic of the bitch


Why not post the rest of the text from that page:


< But a probe was under way yesterday into allegations that twice-wed Kerry seduced her after inviting her to join his campaign team in spring 2001.


There is no evidence to support the claims. Dad-of-two Kerry was set to seal the nomination to take on George Bush in the November election when the allegations surfaced.


Alex, who is in Africa with her fiancé Yaron Schwartzman, refused to comment. >


NOTE: "There is no evidence to support the claims." }(

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RE: pic of the bitch


>NOTE: "There is no evidence to support the claims." }(


And yet we invaded Iraq anyway....


You guys should know by now that the Shrub MisAdministration needs no steenkin' evidence. Shrub was appointed by GAWD Almighty and can do no wrong. Just ask pat Robertson.

“On the fields of Trenzalore, at the fall of the Eleventh, when no living creature may speak falsely or fail to give answer, a question will be asked. A question that must never, ever be answered: Doctor.....WHO?????"

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>Sorry, Doug, but when does "undoubtedly knew" equal "these



>Your surmise does not make a fact. Wouldn't you agree? }(


This demand for "facts" is really amusing coming from a person who is insisting that the GOP is the source of these Kerry rumors even though he has absolutely nothing but speculation on which to base this insistence.


As for the statement I made regarding Chris Lehane, many reports have indicated - including the initial reports which first published this "scandal" - that the stories of Kerry's affair have been shopped around to reporters for several months by Dirtmonger Chris Lehane. As I also said, the first website to report this rumor was NOT the Drudge Report, but was a website 7 days earlier owned and operated by a Clark operative. Those are FACTS.


Independently, don't you think campaigns are aware of and prepared for potential scandals which may harm their candidates? It would be unfathomable that Lehane, when he was with the Kerry campaign, didn't know about this story.


You can huff and puff all you want and say that the GOP is responsible for this story, but you have no facts on which to base that assertion. All facts that are known suggest otherwise.

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> Also, if this desperate sophomoric

>attempt to distract attention from W's guard problems is

>sooooo innocent, and soooooo credible, why the fuck did Wes

>Clark endorse Kerry today? :+ Case closed.


This hardly closes the case. Just because Clark supported Kerry doesn't mean that Chris Lehane does. It's not exactly unlikely that he bears some resentment and hard feelings for having been fired by Kerry when that campaign was floundering. He's notorious in DEMOCRATIC circles for being a vengeful, vicious, rumor-mongering dirtbag, and I don't think you could find anyone who would be surprised if he did this.


A more charitable theory is that he did it to help the Democrats - it's INFINITELY better for this story to be circulated NOW, 9 months before the election, than if the story leaked in, say, August.


That's why I don't believe the GOP did it - if they were going to do it, they would ceratainly not do the Democrats the favor of doing it so early that nobody would remember it come November, and if it turned out to be REALLY serious, give the Democrats a chance to nominate someone else. Doing it now would just be dumb.

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>...reports that Kerry's campaign is struggling to keep the lid

>on a developing story of Kerry's affair with an intern.


>>There is no way Kerry was fooling around with an intern unless

>>she is also an heiress. If the girl in question doesn't have a

>>trust fund I refuse to believe it's true.


Maybe Kerry is just making a bid to capture the allegiance of Clinton supporters... ;-)

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>Why is it that Democrats are ALWAYS being tripped up by sex?

>What is it about illicit affairs that they don't understand?


Sorry, but I don't agree that this is the case. Right in the midst of the Clinton mishegas, Newt was found to be philandering. Then wasn't his proposed replacement as Speaker found to be lacking in the morals department? There was the youthful indiscretions of the then 40-year-old fatso who headed up the Clinton impeachment. This kind of stuff happens again and again and again. I don't concede that Kerry is guilty, but if he is, it doesn't change my mind about who can best lead our country. A hard dick doesn't equate to an automatic nay.

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Guest ncm2169

< The woman in question denies there was an affair and was never even an intern for Kerry. >


Any more comments about "facts", Merlin or Doug? ;-)


FYI, this from Tom Oliphant's Feb 15 column in the Boston Globe (no fans of Kerry, btw) - excerpt:


< POLITICS ASIDE, the quick endorsement of John Kerry by presidential candidate emeritus Wesley Clark might best be understood as an act of contrition for two egregious sins that ironically serve as bookends for this month's degrading detour into campaign slime.


The sin of commission occurred during an astonishing, even for a rookie, judgment lapse with the gaggle of reporters covering his campaign on its final day last week. Bantering with them at length under supposedly off-the-record ground rules, Clark actually said he was still in the race because he thought Kerry's campaign was going to implode over what he inelegantly called an "intern" scandal


The first sin is part of a chain of truly weird events that has produced a classic bit of modern media manipulation that has slowly but surely in turn produced the following phenomenon -- published rumors about the possibility of a story about Kerry fooling around with a young woman appearing despite the absence of any allegation (much less purported information) to that effect.


Clark's rumor-mongering with his press corps about Kerry was the visible tip of an iceberg of rumor-mongering that had gone on for weeks, stirred not only by some of his fund-raisers but also among the press by aides and consultants that "something" was coming. This is how spin doctors feed gossip mills without actually providing gossip.


His comments -- instantly passed on to home offices and then to others, proving why nothing is off-the-record with more than one person in a presidential campaign, and probably shouldn't be. They had the effect of drawing unwarranted attention to a supermarket tabloid clip job on Kerry's private life last week that rehashed the astonishing fact that the senator appears to have been single when he wasn't married.


So where was the rumored "story"? Into the breach stepped the right wing -- Matt Drudge's website and associated radio shows, and right-wing and Rupert Murdoch-owned British outlets, and their tried and true methods all for getting trash into the standards-challenged mainstream press. The absence of a story or even an allegation is no obstacle here; the technique is simply to start a rumor that a story is about to appear.


It worked. By Friday morning, Kerry decided to answer a clear, direct question from Don Imus on his radio program. Asked if there was anything coming or anything to all this, anything at all, Kerry chose to be direct, unequivocal, and on the record: "There is nothing to report, nothing to say." The answer was No. >


Case closed? I think so. }(


Now, the next Repub's dirty trick will be.....? :*

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