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Yipee, now that "we've" elected you...


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RE: Shamelessly copied from gawker.com


A well known proverb says something like "Be careful what you wish for, because you just may get it!" Well, Arnold wished for the California governorship, and my guess is that it's going to take maybe two weeks from his inauguration to discover just how structurally dysfunctional Califonria has become. Imagine the horrow when he realizes that the solutions are out of his reach and out of anyone else's, thanks to the various propositions passed over the years by the Republican right wing that tie the hands of the governor and legislature when it comes to raising revenues and passing budgets. All he's going to be able to do is cut into programs that even Republicans want, because over the years all the other fat has pretty much been cut out already! It ain't gonna be pretty, but it'll be richly deserved. Being a Schadenfreude fan, I think it's just delicious that when California finally melts down financially, it'll be on the watch of one of the Republicans who brought California to this sorry state! And, by the way, does anyone think California's Democratic legislature is going to be going out of its way to help Arnold succeed? Anyone here also believe in the tooth fairy? :+

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RE: Shamelessly copied from gawker.com


Doogie is reaching for that Higher Plane of intelectual discourse.

Sooooo Ill informed,and yet so ready for the most obvious "slap"

What a pitiful creature she is.

Well Dougie,NO hollywood celebs do not sue each other very often at all-and if they do it will be on a stars of like status.

The Studios and management companies have wonderful HUGE legal departments to act as mediators in these instances.

And if a lowly "B" girl tries to file a sexual harrasment suit against a major star-they act quickly with go away money.If She/He/It really are bent on persuing it further they quickly discover how much of a company town Hollywood is.

Happens everyday-We just don't hear about it(most of us at least-it is common knowlage for those that keep their ears open and mouths shut when the execs talk)

Julia Phillips wrote a great book about all of this You'll Never Eat Lunch In This Town Again,and there have been many others-Many of these books never get printed for fear of lawsuits,but there are still quite a few exposes about the scumpond that is Hollywood.

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RE: Don't get it...


What the fuck is the point of that? Reasonable debate and them bam, you drop to middle-school level personal attacks.


In addition to you personality your comparison of the film industry to politics is deeply flawed. There are public service unions, well defined job requirements, and plenty of people watching when you sue because of harassment in a political or even corporate arena.


Everything's much more vague in Hollywood. Most jobs come from personal recommendations, and qualifications for the positions are very subjective, plus many jobs are somewhat unique. So a lawsuit isn't likely to work, but in the process you would get a bad rep in town and then you'd really be screwed.

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RE: Yipee, now that


>As Doug69 replied to you earlier, you really are incapable of

>getting the point, aren't you?


Three or four people fail to see any point in your argument, (nor your existence for that matter...) even Doug doesn't equate consensual sex, no matter what the terms, to restraining and fondling somebody against their will.

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RE: Yipee, now that


Aw, did you get your little girly panties all twisted up because someone said a bad thing about one of your playmates? Yet another post by you full of drivel. Going to run home crying to mommy and ask her to kiss your boo boo and make it all better? I'm sure she'll give you a lollipop and tell you not to forget your jump rope and jacks on your way back to the playground.


But I can see why you and bigguy are such good buddies as you are both dense and clueless. Perhaps its time to put away the Little Golden Books and graduate to the Nancy Drew mysteries, as you might finally be able to get a clue.

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RE: Yipee, now that


Thank you for making my point for me, again. No point in your existence whatsoever, you may as well do the world a favor...

Found this online for you. It's really too bad you don't have any friends in real-life to do the last step for you, but give it a try anyway!



How to commit seppuku:


Most people think that seppuku is simply stabbing oneself with a sword in the name of honor. Like most things, there is more involved with it than is discussed. Seppuku involves intense ritual and the help of a trusted friend.


To commit seppuku, you need to take a knife (not a sword)and cut your abdomen open. You must do it willingly and without hesitation. At this point, your entrails will start to slop out and you will feel intense pain. Without the help of a friend, it would take you many long hours to die while you writhed in absolute pain. Your friend, at the hint of a signal you decide on, will take a katana (japanese short sword) and cut off your head. He should make the cut so that it cuts through the spinal column and causes instant death.



And may god have mercy on your soul. Uh oh, going to }( , didn't capitalize! Talk about panties in a twist.

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RE: Shamelessly copied from gawker.com


how funny that you'd blame the troubles of the people's republic of california on republicans and conservatives!

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Seems to be a clusterfuck...


Both sides do seem to be at fault. With all the passed propositions/ballot initiatives I'd heard only about 10% of the state's budget is discretionary spending anyway. But he's going to miraculously find and cut out all the fat in the emergency spending to keep any healthcare open in the state and the trifle that goes towards new infrastructure despite vastly increased population. At the same time he's going to repeal the increased car registration tax and start effective new programs to bring businesses back to the state. All this despite the fact that the budget has to pass by 3/4ths and can not carry a debt...


Only thing the putz hasn't promised is peace in the middle east!

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RE: Don't get it...


>What the fuck is the point of that? Reasonable debate and

>them bam, you drop to middle-school level personal attacks.


Apparently, you're as selective with your outrage over "personal attacks" on this Board as you are with -- all depends on who is doing it.


The Big one intruded into the discussion with a post that began with: "Some creatures posting here. . . " referencing me. You think people should be able to refer to other people as "creatures" (one of the nicer things he calls me) and then still be entitled to be responded to with perfect respect? Why did my comment to him so upset you, but his about me (which came first) was seemingly just fine with you?


And, for that matter, why are the endless negative comments YOU make (such as labelling my personality "deeply flawed") also just perfectly fine - and how can you possibly, with a straight face, deplore "personal attacks" and in the VERY SAME POST label someone's personality "deeply flawed"???


That's why the Civility Police here, so frequently led by you, aren't taken seriously - it's all so selective and based not on the comment made, but on who is making the comment and at whom it's directed.


>In addition to you personality your comparison of the film

>industry to politics is deeply flawed. There are public

>service unions, well defined job requirements, and plenty of

>people watching when you sue because of harassment in a

>political or even corporate arena.


In every profession - just as is true in Hollywood - there are often consequences from suing for sexual harassment. And yet it's done all the time. You would think that among the scores and scores of women whom Arnold allegedly "harassed", at least one of them would have sued. The fact that they didn't - even though there is LOTS of money to be made from doing so - is quite relevant, I think.


Also, many of these women aren't even in the film business. Some have quite successful careers already outside of Hollywood. Sure, some probably were deterred from coming forwad. But many wouldn't be. Why didn't they?


And, if they were so frightened of the consequences, how come they all suddenly got so brave 6 days before the election and allowed the LA Times to print their names?

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RE: Don't get it...


>What the fuck is the point of that? Reasonable debate and

>them bam, you drop to middle-school level personal attacks.


When I originally responded to your post, I hadn't seen the posts of yours below where you repeatedly tell VaHawk that his existence has no purpose; where you encourage him to commit suicide; and where you even post directions on how he can do so.


Usually, people can engage in rank hypocrisy by telling themselves that what they are preaching against is different than what they are doing. Even though the rationale is always false, at least they can cling to it.


But you can't possibly even have that. It's just impossible to repeatedly decry incivility and the use of personal attacks while simultaneously, IN THE SAME FORUM, telling people that their personalities are "deeply flawed," that their existence has no purpose, and that they should go kill themselves, and preserve any means for convincing yourself that you're not a vile hypocrite. So please, I'm dying to know: what is it that you tell yourself in the inner depths of your head in order to justify these behaviors?


It must be really, really good.

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RE: Don't get it...


>And, if they were so frightened of the consequences, how come

>they all suddenly got so brave 6 days before the election and

>allowed the LA Times to print their names?


My guess is because he's now referred to in the media as the ex actor, and seems a lot less likely to have influence on a movie set anytime soon. Maybe the first one or two were politically motivated, but once they were public (or the LA times could mention others in an interview) it became a lot easier for others to speak up candidly. You are right I had applied a double standard though, but I do think before the election would have been the time to address it and eagerly await his promissed full accounting and specific reparations.


As for creature, it's not something I even noticed... we are all creatures, aren't we? Is it an insult to refer to you as a mammal, or human? If it was an insult you took it a level (or three) further, and I responded based on that offensiveness. And missed the r on your.


I'd just like to see the message center be a more welcoming place. In here doesn't count as much, but I personally don't see much point in having a conversation once it drops to that level.

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RE: Don't get it...


That there comes a time when there is no point in continued conversation with a person. At that time their existance on a message board has little point but to stir the pot and piss people off. He repeatedly responded to questions about an argument he made with nothing but bile. Leading to a downward spiral.


Is my defense of 'he started it' somewhat immature? Yes, but less so then "You're Fat!" or any of his BS.

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RE: Yipee, now that


JamieKate, now that your posts have degenerated into name calling and suicide advocation, I guess that makes you one of the official "shits", that you so oooh and aaah and advocate banishment of from this board. Please turn yourself into Daddy at your earliest opportunity and ask to have yourself monitored, or better yet, totally banned.


As we say in the South, the best part of you dribbled down your daddy's leg.


Yet another post of drivel by you. You are always posting drivel and always talk out of the side of your butt about topics you know little or nothing at all about (just look at all the bs misinformation in your AMEX thread post, for just one of MANY examples).


How about a brief review of your time in Hooville?


When you first came here the only place you posted was the Hustler section, where you posted book length posts about your cruising the streets of LA for hours on end looking for a hustle boy. How many times did you ask questions about how can I tell that the boy on the bike is a hustler working rather than just someone riding his bike? How many times did we read about your pathetic approach to anyone with a dick on the streets as you circled the same blocks for hours, pulling over and parking? Conclusion: you are one hell of a suppressed closet case with no clue and no male to male sexual experience before your street cruising, except in your fantasies. Your total contribution at this point: a recommendation of some homeless man you took to a shabby, rent by the hour sleazebag motel.


Wow, all of a sudden you discover the local LA chapter of BooHooVille, where during the first meeting you say nothing because as was true then, and is still true, you have no experiences and nothing of substance to offer. With each passing meeting, you feel more confident and more brazen and more full of yourself. Now all of a sudden you are the EXPERT and are dissing the street scene (which you still know nothing about), espousing on the sex for hire scene (which you also still know very little about), opining on gay life (which you absolutely STILL know nothing about as most likely, all your experiences about gay life have been limited to hiring guys for sex and sex only - as you yourself posted Numbers is the only gay bar you have ever been to), and sitting in moral judgement of others (ala Arnie) while you yourself are engaged in the illegal and immoral (by most peoples definition) of prostitution (get it now Duncehead?, did I dumb it down enough for you to finally get the point?).


I don't think you are stupid, but you are definitely a long suppressed closet case, new to the scene, inexperienced and are really off-putting in taking the attitude that you are informed enough to chastise others.

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RE: Yipee, now that


Oh boy, more drivel from the LA BooHooVille crowd. What a totally useless waste of cyberspace you are! And not that it is any of your business, but I happen to be totally sober. But yet again, anyone who disagrees with you BooHooVille boys are either "shits", "drunk", "wasted on drugs", or "off their meds", right?


What's the matter bigguy? My totally correct observations of your buddy JamieKate, hit way too close to the truth, so that the only response you can come up with is this tired old internet cliche?


Or just maybe, my observations also describe you to a T?


You both advocate the destruction of VaHawk either by suicide or getting run over by deer, and you dare to have the proverbial hair up your fat asses to demand that others be banned from this site, when so far, I have never seen posters more dense, clueless, obnoxious and a total waste of sperm than the two of you.


Did this go over your heads? Most likely as you both don't have a brain in any head north or your waist lines (assuming you can find them without a mirror).

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Guest fukamarine

RE: Yipee, now that


>I love you Rick, as you always bring reality home to me by

>making me laugh at myself. :)


Well you're not alone - 95% of the board is laughing at you too.


Now....... be quick - fire back a really cunty reply so we can all laugh at you again.



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Guest fukamarine

RE: Yipee, now that





Honey....... are you SURE you don't have a cunt located about six inches below your beltline? All the puss you regurgitate couldn't possibly come from a prick. Oh well - who cares - either word, cunt or prick, is a fairly accurate description of you. Take your choice.




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christ on a cracker, I'd hate to see what I'd get if I had posted what I really felt about you and one or two others in the circle jerks thread. You know... the one where the magical solution to posts/posters one (or even most) of the forum members find offensive is simply NOT reading that person's posts...? You must actually love me then, because you've paid such close attention, and either spent the day researching this post or carry much of what I've written in your memory. I guess I'm flattered...


You cite a place where I'm full of BS misinformation (and imply many more) without actually refuting a single thing. A war over what I think about American Express, when I have plenty of experience with them and good reason to hate them? You also fail to note that unlike the apparently infallible, I've admitted being wrong, such as in the very discussion you cite with Doug [in spite of it going to hell], where I admit he's right that I was wrong to base so much on Arnold's predatory actions towards women if I didn't think Clinton's warranted all the BS he got for his. Now that the vomitus is daubed off your argument, it's almost compelling (the problem being 'your' side would never abstain from a chance to through something like this, plus family values in others' faces). Have you ever admitted being wrong? Of course not, you simply switch to bluster, attacks, BS, and screaming when what little logic and reason you start with desert you.


Something else you missed in your flawed accounting, I started the LA meetings. Was I very shy at the first meeting? Yes. Maybe it's because I realize I have a lot to learn? Yet, I got out there and did it. That's the difference, I am doing. Maybe you've done or maybe you've always been this pathetic shit that simply lashes out at those it's jealous of (for invading the territory it's pissed all over, a very good analogy of your contribution to the MC, if I do say so myself)... Either way afraid of anything different, living to help drive a new person away who could bring dreaded change.


I'm new to the scene, and I point that out in many of my posts. I make no claim about being an expert on hustling or gay lifestyle or any such thing. My goal is to help others where possible by sharing the things I've learned. My eagerness and sense of discovery must be killing you, a bitter old queen that seems less and less able to contribute anything helpful to anybody (thus the reference to seppuku, or in a different culture you'd go sit on an ice flow). Not that you don't have plenty of experience, probably near Methuselah's, but you're so twisted by hatred (for yourself? a lover who left you?) that while reasonable things come out sometimes, pure unfiltered bile gushes out others. But how dare I respond in kind!!! Maybe that does make me a hypocrite, but the alternative is to lay down and let a couple of assholes walk all over everybody. That would be nice, wouldn't it? For you.

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