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Clarence Thomas To Get Top Job


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Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas will be nominated to replace Chief Justice William Rehnquist, sources close to me said today. Thomas' promotion became a certainty after President Bush was roundly criticized for allowing black hurricane victims to linger without help while the elite made a successful departure from the hurricane area. Bush/Cheney/Rove feel that the appointment of an African-American to such a prestigious post would quickly heal any damage his hurricane ineptitude caused him with black voters.

Of course, they are wrong. but what else is new?

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>Dan Knight 2005

>THis thread is just another example on this board of political

>extremist like Lucky posting made-up lies and making fools

>of themselves.


Dan, you're absolutely right. If you do a quick perusal of the posts here, you will find statement after statement by the left-wing extremists claiming that all sorts of evil things were going to be done by the Bush Administration. When they are proven wrong - as they always are - they never acknowledge error or re-assess how they "think" about the world. They just move onto the next vicious, baseless, hateful accusation against Bush.


I have read here that Bush was going to cause another terrorist attack before the election to ensure victory; that he had Osama bin Laden locked in a cage in Pakistan and that Karl Rove wouldn't allow that to be known until right before the election.


Recently, I read that the Administration had definite plans to attack and invade Iran in June - yes, in June, 2005 - and how Scott Ritter got this from a source inside the Government.


No accusation is too stupid, too crazed, or too hateful for them. And, of course, everything - including hurricanes - is Bush's fault. They are exactly the same as the sickos who spent 8 years talking about Black Helicopters and Whitewater when Clinton was president - they have no ideas or beliefs - just hatred for the Presdient.


And I'm sure if you ask them, you will find that FitInLA, MusclLover, BigPeterAtlanta and a few other friends of yours will agree.

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RE: Larry Thompson To Get Nominated?


Tiem magazine writer Mathew Cooper, the almost-jailed journalist famous for his conversations with Karl Rove, speculates that the former #2 in the Justice Department could be nominated to replace Justice Sandra Day O'Connor"


"Who does Bush chose to take the O'Connor seat? Conservatives are taking aim once more at Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, who they believe might be too moderate. If Bush picks a woman, there's Judge Edith Clement of New Orleans who lost her home in Hurricane Katrina. Bush passed her over last time but her being a storm victim might now give her a certain elan. Priscilla Owen or Edith Jones, both circuit court judges, would please conservatives but would rally Democrats. One White House official says that there's close scrutiny of Larry Thompson, who served as Number two in the Ashcroft Justice department. As African-American, Thompson's nomination might help ease racial tensions in the wake of the New Orleans disaster. One concern among administration officials is the large number of cases that Thompson might have to recuse himself from because he participated in them at Justice."

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