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Advice for you suicidal liberals


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Daddy sez: Doug9 do this type of rant ever again and you'll be gone permanently.[/b]



LOS ANGELES - Some left-leaning Californians say they would rather leave the United States — and go to Canada or elsewhere — than stay with George W. Bush as president.


“I certainly don’t love the climate of Vancouver, but I love the sanity,” said Steve Crawford, 54, a singer and actor working as a volunteer at the Democratic Party offices in Santa Monica.


He and his wife, Karen, have been investigating selling their home in Pacific Palisades, an upmarket area close to the coast, and moving to Canada.


“For someone like me, if this happens, I can’t in good conscience allow myself to support another Bush government, even benignly. And a lot of other people are saying the same.


”I have a good friend who is adamant he will leave if Bush is re-elected. He’s picked two countries and will definitely go to one should this happen."


In the heavily Democratic state, famous for its Hollywood- and San Francisco-inspired latte liberal politics, such talk has become increasingly common at Starbucks and at dinner parties.


to do the same thing.


That's one viable

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I know the Repiglicans are in paroxysms of ecstasy right now, but I'm wondering if a couple things have been overlooked:


1) Even though the networks have called Florida for Bush, the margin of difference is about 350,000 votes. Earlier in the evening it was reported that there were nearly 1.5 million absentee ballots in Florida that have yet to be counted. If that's the case, I don't understand how the state can be definitively called for Bush. There also must be a significant number of uncounted provisional ballots, in addition to the absentees.


2) Ditto for Ohio. The final result might have a margin of difference of only about 50,000 votes. There are apparently at least 250,000 uncounted provisional ballots, and an unknown number of absentee ballots.


Until these small problems are clarified and resolved, it may be premature to celebrate.


But in answer to Doug, if it turns out that the "Christian" fascists have taken over the country lock, stock, Supreme Court and barrel, I don't have the slightest problem making my apartment in Brazil my permanent home. Dougie and his ilk are completely unaware of the fact that there are many other countries worth living in besides the U.S. But many of us know from first-hand experience that one can live as well or better outside the U.S. than in it. And when the "Christian" fascists recriminalize homosexuality and start persecuting faggots (including Dougie) even he may reconsider his options. Dougie should be careful what he wishes for, because he may get more than he bargained for.

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But in answer to Doug, if it turns out that the "Christian"

>fascists have taken over the country lock, stock, Supreme

>Court and barrel, I don't have the slightest problem making my

>apartment in Brazil my permanent home.




Dougie and his ilk are

>completely unaware of the fact that there are many other

>countries worth living in besides the U.S.


GOOD!!!!! No argument here. Have you started packing yet?


But many of us

>know from first-hand experience that one can live as well or

>better outside the U.S. than in it.


GOOD!!!! We know that you think that foreign countries are better than the U.S. That's exactly why you lost tonight.


And when the "Christian"

>fascists recriminalize homosexuality and start persecuting

>faggots (including Dougie) even he may reconsider his options.

> Dougie should be careful what he wishes for, because he may

>get more than he bargained for.


Are you incapable of writing a post - or thinking about anything - without screaming "THE NAZIS ARE COMING!!! YOU'RE ALL GOING TO BE IN CONCENTRATION CAMPS"


If anyone is wondering why you lost, read this post from Trilingual.

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>Are you incapable of writing a post - or thinking about

>anything - without screaming "THE NAZIS ARE COMING!!! YOU'RE



Dougie, I'm Jewish. I KNOW what happened the last time extremists took over in what was supposed to be one of the most civilized, cultured and enlightened nations on earth. I can also see what happens in the contemporary fundamentalist theocracies in the Muslim world, where personal freedoms are extremely proscribed. If you don't think the Falwells and Dobsons and Ralph Reeds and the other "Christian" ayatollahs of America are exulting at this very moment about being in the ascendancy and being able to put the faggots back into the closet (or worse) you are way more deluded than you've already demonstrated yourself to be.


When a democratic election in Germany in 1933 brought the Nazis to power, smart people (and not just Jewish ones) GOT OUT! The people who assumed the Nazis weren't serious in their threats and stayed on, expecting to ride it out, discovered before long that they couldn't leave. They suffered a decade of ever-increasing oppression and persecution before the Nazis implemented their "final solution" under the cover of a world war.


There are enough scary parallels here to make your flesh crawl. And those who ignore history are condemned to repeat it. I know Dougie believes "it can't happen here." But Germans in 1931 didn't believe it could happen there, either. Two years later it did.


Dougie's too far gone to get it (the poor thing ought to be institutionalized, and before long his beloved Repiglicans probably will do him the favor) but the rest of us better start doing some serious thinking. What are we going to do with a President who's a mindless "Christian" fanatic, with a Congress controlled by equally fanatic "Christians" like Tom deLay and Bill Frist (and populated by senators like the two extreme fundamentalists who were just elected from North Carolina and Oklahoma), and, before long, a totally tame Supreme Court headed by the likes of Antonin Scalia or Clarence Thomas? All of whom are convinced that homosexuals are vermin?


The Repiglicans may not set up concentration camps but they can easily take other measures copied right from the Nazi playbook, recriminalizing homosexuality, prohibiting gays from working in many (or all) professions, and reducing gays to the position of ostracized pariahs. You don't need concentration camps to kill people. You can just let them starve to death because they can't get jobs and can't support themselves or get health care. Which is exactly what the Nazis did to Jews and gays and Communists during the 30s. (Unfortunately, the "undesirables" didn't die off fast enough to suit the Nazis, so they developed industrialized murder factories like Auschwitz and Treblinka to speed up the process.) In fact, during the McCarthy era right here in the U.S., people accused of being Communists and/or homosexual were ostracized and blackballed so they couldn't earn a living any more. Many committed suicide. So it HAS happened here. And it can happen again.


Fair warning. . .

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Daddy Sez: "Gentlemen, you've pissed Daddy off. BACK OFF NOW! I may be a Libertarian, but you've exceeded even my tolerance for filth. I'll turn the PR&W forum off before I'll allow this to continue. You WILL be polite OR I WILL show you to the door."

"Gun Control means using both hands."

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Guest ReturnOfS

"Suicidal" liberals? LOL


Thank goodness I don't share the same extremist political views as this Doug69. That actually puts me in a very good mood. :)

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Guest ReturnOfS

>Oh yeah, that's a solution, a real good one. Leave the

>country of freedom because you lost. Well get to it.


I'm saying that the fact that I don't share his extremist views puts me in a good mood.

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Guest msclonly

Yes there does seem to be an unusual amount of Paranoia floating around these strings!

But no one will admit to being part of the problem.

Just can not take responsibility for anything that happens to them, so they blame easy targets and join the herd in a chorus or nasty talk. Over and Over.


Your problem in life started long before Bush or the republicans showed up in your life.



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