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To Doug69


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RE: To the Cajun


>Are you a Republican?


>the Cajun


Thank you for your interest.


I agree wholeheartedly with the Republican position on numerous issues.


I disagree vehemently with the Republican position on numerous issues.


I'm not even sure how to answer your question. For instance, I used to think that balancing the federal budget, which I believe in vigorously, was a Repubilcan economic policy, but we have a Repubilcan President who apparently believes in huge deficits, and a leading Democratic Presidential candidate (Howard Dean) who emphatically believes in balanced budgets and has an impressive history of balancing them. So is a belief in balanced budgets a Republican or Democratic belief?


Can I help you with something specific, or are you just looking to apply labels?

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RE: To the Cajun


>After all, you could fit most Republican wisdom into half a

>toilet these days.


Replace "Republican" with "liberal" and you have - yet again - Ann Coulter.


I love how so many people whine and whine and whine about how mean and destructive and bad Ann Coulter is, and than precisely replicate all of her defining rhetoric.

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RE: To Doug69...


Glad to hear you like Dean! You should check into the way your state works for voting in the primaries (if you don't already know), you may need to change your registration (months) before to be able to vote for him (in the primary). Even registered independent in my state I can't vote in the Democratic or Republican primary unless I change my registration.

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RE: To Doug69...


>Glad to hear you like Dean!


I do; if the election were today, I'd vote for him. Somehow he has made extreme liberals like you (although you are really more Ariana Huffington-ish anti-"system" than mainstream liberal per se) think that he's ideologically pure and on their side, and at the same time has caused non-liberals such as myself to recognize that he is anything but liberal and to beleive that he's a unique, paradigm-busting political force. The "progressives" in Vermont spent 10 years hating him - as a result of his cutting their favorite social programs in order to balance the budget - and yet the national "progressives" think he's the second coming. Go figure.


In that way, he is pretty Clintonesque - enabling many quite disparate camps to believe that he is singing their song - but with a lot more immoveable, authentic conviction in his pinky finger than Clinton will ever have. What I like most about him is that he's incredibly tough and unafraid to make mistakes or violate convention and orthodoxies - something that is an absolute prerequisite to standing up to the attack that will be unleashed at any Democrat.

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